
Photo credits © Odile Decq


Playful with its facades animated by multicolored portholes and glass undulations, it is a cheerful building dedicated to the arts, music, media, circus arts…


Its location is based on the strange obliquity of its future neighbor and takes it on board to become emblematic. This singularity in the surrounding urban fabric reinforces the singular character of the building The PIAC is first and foremost an unconventional building by its program made of an assembly of programs, by their very nature and consequently by its architecture Thus far from e hidden, the PIAC is a tool, a linking facility at the service of the entire city, structuring for the surrounding district. It is an attractive element, offered to users, the public and residents.


Even more, this location releases a vast triangular space, an open-air performance venue. The large doors at the back of the stage and the front open. The show is ‘in the street’ and the stage is offered on two sides.When the blind wall of the adjoining supermarket becomes a screen, the esplanade becomes an open-air cinema.

Carvin, France
International Competition